Monday 8 August 2016


So its been a good 10 minutes that i've been trying to figure out whether i should start my blog with a proper 'Greetings fellow humans' (not so proper) or 'Hi everyone, welcome to my blog blah blah'. I guess hi works just fine. so, Hi!
I'm going to be writing about a lot of things, mainly my experiences and encounters in life in general. I've been having so many thoughts and I realized the best way to vent out all that knowledge ;) is to share it with you all. We will be talking about things like space and distant planets to human emotions and how someone i hate tried to kill my dog. Not to mention, all kinds of weird people. I'm not saying that I'm some superior human who is better than all these lesser mortals as lets face it, we are all weird.
There are so many unfair occurrences taking place around us in everyday life and society (trying to be fancy, i mean the strange bullshit life throws at us) its unbelievable. Things seem to be working great, and here you are, on a roll when suddenly someone's fragile glass like ego gets hurt and it all comes back to square one. (I'm really hoping it's not just my experience)
From pandits telling you that it's some 'Kaalsarp Yog' where a snake is biting your destiny, to your mother telling you 'Nazar lag gai' I've concluded that no amount of Pujas can really help when dealing with people. It's such a competitive world, where even the tiniest little success makes peoples' ego inflate like a balloon, not realizing that one little prick can end it all.
Then of course you have the big talkers, who claim to own it all and belittle everyone else in the business (who openly like your DP, stamp a heart on insta but are never around when you actually need them). And then there are the recently successful ones ( oh my lets not even get into that ) How do you even manage to act like a completely different person if say, a certain reality show you featured in, or cast for or even directed got decent TRPs because of the 'completely copied from bravo tv reality series content' or cheap abuses hurled at each other and fake relationship plots (or even fake weddings nowadays)?. I'm not trying to take a dig at reality shows here as i myself have done one but the point being, the sense of any kind of (fleeting) success should never get to one's head so much so that your existence starts seeming fake and accent even faker. PS - I love Bravo TV.
There are all kinds of characters we come across everyday, and honestly, if we just step aside and instead of getting involved, just observe, it would add a lot of entertainment to our lives. Anyway, enough about people, we have a lot more to talk about! I'm not someone who sugarcoats things, and it may seem rather brutal but I'm just going to be as honest as i can. Super excited to start this journey with you all and would love your opinions and suggestions on topics you'd like to discuss!
loads of love and kisses, be fabulous, until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ruhi,

    Really nice post.

    Will show it to my friends also.

    Keep up the good work.

